Celebrate Organic awareness month!
You probably noticed, we are very focussed on a chemical free lifestyle.
The wonderful thing is that in Australia we can choose from a huge range...
The joy of making. (What are you making today?)
Hand making things for your home has never more important. Reducing the waste and chemicals for your family.
What is your daily ritual?
Rituals are so important to daily life, here are some that our friends have shared with us.
How do beeswax candles help get a good nights sleep?
A conversation at the markets lead us to more research on how artificial lights are affecting sleep in the home.
When beeswax isn't beeswax
A clear warning to check the source of the beeswax- we look at a recent case of "beeswax" imports been found to be 100% toxic...
Resolve to make our world a little less complex.
In a rushed, complex world, full of chemicals we take the time to reaffirm how we do things.
My Christmas tradition
What are your Christmas traditions? Here are my traditions growing up in Holland.
Advent candles- traditions and how to use them
Advent candles have a wonderful history. We look at our family traditions and the history.
Which candle is right for your home? Candles to match your lifestyle
So many different candles. Which one is made for your home? Here are our thoughts.
Live Simply
Our thoughts: Live simply- a reminder found on a t-shirt, but important to do in a complex world.
Happy Flame is now Australian Certified Organic operation (yay!)
Why is it important to be Certified organic? What it means for you...