What is the WInter solstice?
Winter Solstice is the one of the turning points of the seasons. The longest day is a wonderful time to celebrate.
Does beeswax have anti-bacterial properties?
With so many balms and creams being made at home, there is many questions about beeswax. If you are looking for details on the anti...
Hygge & candles- living well and happy.
To live well and happy is a goal for everyone. We were introduced to "The little book of Hygge" and it was joy to read....
Autumn planting for bees = less chemicals in the garden.
Autumn is the time to plant the seeds that grow into flowers in winter that feed your local bees. The bonus is, this packet of...
One bite at a time
This wonderful book highlights the need for all of us to be more aware of our chemical filled world. If also gives us the motivation...
Candles for shrines, altars, sacred spots and personal spaces
A special place at home, a space to relax, take a breathe, a spot for your special collection. Why are altars, sacred spaces and shrines...
Is your sleep affected by LED lighting?
Many are now finding that artificial lights are having major effects on their health. The recent report confirms this.
Beeswax candles for birth healing
It is just wonderful to see how our beeswax candles are used - prior to birth at the blessing way rituals, during birth women burn...
Organic awareness month: 6 reasons to choose certified organic products
Its organic awareness month. Here are 6 reasons why choosing Australian certified organic products is so important.
How far apart should I have my candles?
I love the look of a set of candles together, but how far apart should they be when they are lit?
Time for greener packaging?
We continue searching for ways to minimise our impact on the planet. We think our new packaging is helping do this.
How households effect bees.
Research shows why we need to reduce using chemicals at home - for the bees